Lt. Gordon H. McDaniel                                                                                                                 
Mac and ?
outside his tent
Assistant Crew Chief
Sgt Richardson and Mac
Mac and the
"Mary Mac"
a long way from home
Mac was in the air returning
from a mission when they
VE Day.  The war
in Europe was
Gordon H. McDaniel
Mac next to #46
44-15128 #46
Texas Jessie/Big Mike 318th William
H. Aron MIA/4-22-45/
William H. Aron
Ace in a day!  
Mac (on the right)
getting his "Ace Card" from
Lt. Col. Felix L. Vidal .
Capt. Harry Parker,
325th Fighter Group Ace,
congratulating Mac on his 5 victories
in one day.
Capt. Harry Parker,
325th Fighter Group Ace,
and Mac filling out paperwork
on the days mission.
Ready to go
Gordon H. McDaniel
Gordon H. McDaniel
Gordon H. McDaniel
Gordon H. McDaniel
Standing next to the
"Mary Mac"
Gordon H. McDaniel "Mac"
Just out of Flight School
Army Air Force Wings
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[+] click any image for a larger view
[+] click any image for a larger view
[+] click any image for a larger view
There are pilots and there are pilots; with the good ones, it is inborn. You can't teach it. If you are a fighter pilot,
you have to be willing to take risks.

— General Robin Olds, USAF