Pilots of the 325th Fighter Group                                                                                                            
318th Fighter Pilots Longo, Beven, Wulfe, Barney,
Mac, and Soup
Photo #2...
Taken a few days after Photo one.
325th Fighter Pilot Thomas Bevan
44-15631  P-51 #50
"My Peggy"
318th Fighter Squadron
2nd Lt. Robert C. Burns.
His call sign was "CLETUS".
Lt Burns was Mac's wingman on
March 14, 1945
This is the Back of photo #2,
on your left
42-103455 #49
"Tennessee’s Partner"
Fighter Pilot John Gaston's
50th mission
318th Fighter Pilot
Fred Wulfe with Macs Flight
Jacket on.
M.I.A. 3-1-45
Left to right: S/Sgt Olsen, Major McDonald, Col
Beverly and Col. Vidal
44-15474 #49 Apache 318th
Walter K. Selenger
Flew 44-15488 #61 Effie Mae/Annabel G. 318th Fighter Squadron
All hat least one victory!
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[+] click any image for a larger view
[+] click any image for a larger view
[+] click any image for a larger view
[+] click any image for a larger view
Click Me
Special thanks to B/G Grant Smith Collection for this photo.
42-103455 #49
"Tennessee’s Partner"
318th Fighter Pilot
John Gaston
Thanks to the Robert C Burns Collection
for this picture.
Click Me!
Special thanks to B/G Grant Smith
Collection for this photo.
44-15128 #46
Texas Jessie/Big Mike 318th
William H. Aron MIA/4-22-45/
William H. Aron
Anybody who doesn't have fear is an idiot. It's just that you must make the fear work for you. Hell when somebody shot
at me, it made me madder than hell, and all I wanted to do was shoot back.

— Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.

318th Fighter Pilot
Lt  J.G. Pace
One of the pilots that got a
victory on March 14, 1945
Captain Reed is on the right
in the photo and the notation
with the photo indicates the
other two individuals are Capt.
Taylor and Bud Anderson.
The information comes from  
Bill Rathburn (first cousin)
Thanks, Bil
"The P-40 flown by Captain William R
(Dick) Reed (Squadron Leader,
317th FS, 325th Fighter Group) in
North Africa carried the name
"Queen Mary" on its nose and not
"Lone Tiger".  It also did not have a
painted shark's mouth (although
those flown by his uncle, William N.
Reed in the AVG and CACW did).  
Bill Rathburn (first cousin)
Thanks, Bill